Have you ever wondered whether school suspensions actually matter? Yes they matter. Do they truly impact a student’s chances to ...
Category: Discipline

Why Is My Child Being Expelled For Sexual Bullying Online?Why Is My Child Being Expelled For Sexual Bullying Online?
Student bullying and sexual bullying are offenses that get students suspended or expelled. School sexual bullying is expellable in California ...

Imitation Firearms At School Can Trigger Suspension Or ExpulsionImitation Firearms At School Can Trigger Suspension Or Expulsion
Have you purchased your kids an airsoft gun? Is it an “imitation firearm” and will they get in trouble if ...

How To Stop Student Expulsions Using Wise NegotiationsHow To Stop Student Expulsions Using Wise Negotiations
Have you been hit by a notice that a school expulsion hearing is being scheduled against your son or daughter? ...

Why Students Need An Education Attorney Not An Unlicensed AdvocateWhy Students Need An Education Attorney Not An Unlicensed Advocate
Parents facing a school issue such as expulsion, suspension, a special education problem, discrimination or otherwise, often have to bring ...

Alternatives To School Expulsions Are Sometimes RequiredAlternatives To School Expulsions Are Sometimes Required
With school expulsions, it can sometimes seem hopeless. The school may be able to prove a student “did it,” and ...

Suspension For Defiance Or Disruption Is No MoreSuspension For Defiance Or Disruption Is No More
A few years ago, students could be expelled or suspended for causing a disruption or defiance. Expulsions still exist, but suspensions ...

Student Hazing Can End In Suspension or ExpulsionStudent Hazing Can End In Suspension or Expulsion
Do you remember entering high school and the wild rumors that preceded it; of groups of high schoolers who would ...

Appealing A School Expulsion: When Does Filing Make Sense?Appealing A School Expulsion: When Does Filing Make Sense?
Parents may sometimes feel like they are in the Twilight Zone, when it comes to school expulsions. One day, life ...

Can Students Be Punished For Providing A Fake Drug?Can Students Be Punished For Providing A Fake Drug?
Parents may be surprised upon receiving a phone call that a student was being suspended or expelled for providing a ...