Talk to many in our culture today about nicotine or vaping products and the public schools and you may hear: ...
Category: Discipline

Can A Bystander Be Suspended From School?Can A Bystander Be Suspended From School?
What does it take to issue a valid school suspension? Does a student have to DO something, or can they ...

Medical Marijuana And School DisciplineMedical Marijuana And School Discipline
In 2020, students were granted the right to have medical marijuana administered to them in school by their parent or ...

Controlled Substance Offenses Can Lead To Devastating School DisciplineControlled Substance Offenses Can Lead To Devastating School Discipline
Frequently, parents are can face a terrible situation: a student is up for school discipline, such as expulsion or suspension, ...

When Is School Expulsion Mandatory in California Public Schools?When Is School Expulsion Mandatory in California Public Schools?
School expulsion is NOT something any parent wants their child to endure. To be removed entirely from a school district ...

School Suspension And Expulsion For Fighting Or Threats of HarmSchool Suspension And Expulsion For Fighting Or Threats of Harm
There are a multitude of bases for student discipline. One of those bases involves fighting (aka “mutual combat”), threats, and/or ...

Bullying Blunders Can Lead To Disastrous School Suspensions and ExpulsionsBullying Blunders Can Lead To Disastrous School Suspensions and Expulsions
Do you remember the school bully? Or, maybe you have seen movie depictions such as the red haired youth with ...

Continuation School After Expulsion? Is It Mandatory?Continuation School After Expulsion? Is It Mandatory?
No parent likes to think about student expulsions or continuation school. However, after expulsion, where can a student attend school? ...

How To Handle College Discipline InterviewsHow To Handle College Discipline Interviews
College discipline hearings can be difficult matters, and they all start with the allegation and investigation of a student or ...

Will Lack of Social Distancing Or Threats To Touch Someone Be Post-COVID OffensesWill Lack of Social Distancing Or Threats To Touch Someone Be Post-COVID Offenses
Schools and students are in turmoil in California, with all pushed to distance education for fear of the “invisible enemy” aka Coronavirus. ...