Why can’t restorative justice replace suspension or expulsion all the time in schools? When is it just not enough? What ...
Category: physical harm/threat

Never Assault A School Employee: Student Expulsion Can Result!Never Assault A School Employee: Student Expulsion Can Result!
Okay- everyone knows that fighting at school can get a student in trouble, but what if a teacher is hit ...

Custodial Police Interrogation Of Minors Legally Limited In SchoolsCustodial Police Interrogation Of Minors Legally Limited In Schools
Usually when minor students are in trouble at school, the school administration will interview them. Once in a while, I ...

Student Behavior Contracts: Great Alternatives To Heavier PunishmentsStudent Behavior Contracts: Great Alternatives To Heavier Punishments
What is a school behavior contract and why could such a student behavior contract be good for a student? What ...

Threatening Communications In Schools – What Is A Student Threat?Threatening Communications In Schools – What Is A Student Threat?
As students can be suspended or expelled for making threats to cause physical injury in schools, it is useful for ...

Can A Bystander Be Suspended From School?Can A Bystander Be Suspended From School?
What does it take to issue a valid school suspension? Does a student have to DO something, or can they ...

School Suspension And Expulsion For Fighting Or Threats of HarmSchool Suspension And Expulsion For Fighting Or Threats of Harm
There are a multitude of bases for student discipline. One of those bases involves fighting (aka “mutual combat”), threats, and/or ...

30+ Things Parents Must Tell Students To Avoid School Discipline30+ Things Parents Must Tell Students To Avoid School Discipline
Over the years as a student attorney, I have had my eyes opened VERY WIDE on just what can lead ...