Typically, any student who has a weapon, knife, or dangerous object at school will be placed up for expulsion or ...
Category: penal code

Students Can Deny Cell Phone Searches At School, UsuallyStudents Can Deny Cell Phone Searches At School, Usually
Student cell phones are often searched by school officials (with consent or without it) to gather information in student discipline ...

What Parents Should Never Do At SchoolWhat Parents Should Never Do At School
Here is how parents can mess up their interactions at a student’s school. These are examples of what not to ...

Suspension or Expulsion for School Hate ViolenceSuspension or Expulsion for School Hate Violence
Parents every day face suspensions of students for a myriad of reasons, some legitimate and some not so legitimate. One ...

Imitation Firearms At School Can Trigger Suspension Or ExpulsionImitation Firearms At School Can Trigger Suspension Or Expulsion
Have you purchased your kids an airsoft gun? Is it an “imitation firearm” and will they get in trouble if ...

Student Sexual Battery Can Have Big ConsequencesStudent Sexual Battery Can Have Big Consequences
By Michelle Ball, California Education Attorney for Students since 1995 Has a student you know been alleged to have committed ...