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Hello Michelle,
I wanted to let you know I received the check (district repayment to parents) and all the services have been implemented. He is doing great. He got 5 “A’s,” 1 “B,” and 1 “C” – the best he’s ever done. It’s been his best year in high school yet. He likes all his teachers and they comment on how he is such a nice, polite, focused student. He is making long term goals now and is becoming quite a responsible guy. He is even checking out colleges. Thank you for all your hard work.
Probation will be over in December and we will be celebrating. Somehow this whole event must have been some sort of blessing but I can’t help but remember how they insisted he be expelled. That just makes me angry. Again, thanks for being our advocate. He is proving without a doubt that he should have never been up for expulsion.
Many thanks,