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Hi Michelle:
I wanted to let you know that my grandson is going to graduate in May. He passed all of his finals and will for sure graduate on the 29th. He is like a little boy ‘cause he is so happy to get out of high school. Now he knows for sure he has made it. He has been at a loss for words lately.
The school has also backed off a whole lot. The adult involved does not talk to or sit in the same room or even look at him anymore. I don’t know how to thank you for all the help or work you have done. You are the best and a very good friend to us. Without you he would not have gotten this chance to graduate or go this far. For all these years we have fought and had to call on you 3 times in 13 years. We feel as a family you are a part of us too.
We might still need you for my younger grandson, although since you came to help on my older grandson, the school has somewhat backed off on the younger one. But you never know what might happen. You deserve so much. You saved us from great loss and I THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Also, everyone else is thankful that he is almost done too. The school is paying for his cap and gown… is that cool or what? I think they may also be paying for his senior field trip too. See you did make a difference in our lives! Thank you again for giving him this chance and giving us our grandson and son back. He is now thinking about his future employment. He is looking forward and does not want to look back. He feels like he has a new life and that he can learn more as he goes. May God Bless you many times over again.
Lots of love to all of you