These testimonials or endorsements do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of a legal matter.
Dear Michelle:
Had we not intervened, he (the student) would have definitely been involuntarily transferred to an alternative school. You have no idea how grateful I am for your services and for what you have done for our family! I count my lucky stars that I found you and you were readily available to help us within such a short notice.
Just FYI, when we were sitting in the District administrator’s office waiting for you to give us the ok to sign the agreement, the administrator stated he really liked the way you (Michelle Ball) approached things. He said that with his past experience, lawyers like to be rude and intimidating. They like to lay down the law and argue that. However, you are different. You’re calm and sensible. You wanted to have a communication. I think that’s what helped with the case. Keep doing the great work you do!!! You’re awesome and amazing at what you do. THANK YOU!
– LK