Law Office of Michelle Ball Son Now In College

Son Now In College

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Dear Michelle Ball

​I thought you might like an update on our son. After high school he went to a local Community College. It took him 4 years to complete an AA degree. He got the degree in Psychology and had a 4.0 GPA, only 2 kids that graduated had a 4.0 and he was one.  He decided that Psychology was not for him though.  He took some time off and is now going to a University and is taking Civil Engineering.  He is in his first year there.  He is a little behind in one subject and he cannot take a full load.  He has to stay at around 10 units, but he is doing well.  He did use the IEP to justify taking less units. 
My wife and I are so happy and thankful that he is going to college and is working towards a future of his own, something that did not always seem possible.
Without your help and the IEP I don’t know where he would be.
Thanks again for your help, we think about you and your help often; what a stressful time that was.