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I wanted to take a moment to express our immense gratitude for all your help and guidance through an extremely difficult time for our family. To say that we were in shock and overwhelmed would be a gross understatement. As parents, we naturally wanted to fix everything for our son. Unfortunately, in this situation, we quickly discovered that we were out of our league.
Discussions of suspension, expulsion, and IEP’s all seemed like a foreign language. We desperately needed someone knowledgeable to guide us through this uncharted maze, Thankfully we found you. Right from the start, you let us know that this wasn’t going to be an easy fight, but you would do what you could to get us the best possible outcome. I’m happy to say that today our son returned to his school. I’m still not exactly sure what changed their minds, but I definitely feel that you had a lot to do with their decision to rescind their recommendation for expulsion. We may never know the reason why, but we are extremely thankful for this second chance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!